Public Profile

Kaede Higuchi

member since April 04, 2007


I.Like.FUDGE!! Ok, now lets get down to buisness.
real name: Do you care?
age: 16
sex: female
likes: fudge, cheese, random things, bazookas, comics, drawing, writing fanfiction, books(yes, books, got any problem with that?), cats, videogames
dislikes: homework, closed spaces, Sasuke Uchiha, Barney*shudders*, evil muffins from outer space, serious stuff.
birthday: August 21
Favorite saying: Fighting on#65279; the internet is like running in the special olympics…even if you win youre still retarded. -Unknown.
DevArt account:

Hare Hare Yukai

Motteke! Sailor Fuku

Their love child

Comics By Kaede Higuchi

  • Fantasy |
  • 10 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A random comic about the Vocaloid's life. Join Hatsune Miku, Rin, Len, Haku, Neru, Kaito and Meiko in their daily lives as the internet's biggest virtual popstars!
  • Fantasy |
  • 77 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
This is a collection of the best Naruto comics ever made on the net.
  • Fantasy |
  • 21 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The otaku. A fascinating, unpredictable being. Following a friend group of animal-person otakus in their adventures, we find out that being one isn't as fun as you think. It's even more fun.
  • Fantasy |
  • 21 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Random adventures of the Sonic crew and their new super-strength, super hyper, and super short-tempered friend, Fizz.

Comics Assisted By Kaede Higuchi

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Kaede Higuchi

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Hi I'm Carly, and for some reason I scare the Buh-Jeezus outta people! Not intensionally, they just think I'm weird. But I'm a really nice normal person. With lots and lots of friends! Lots of 'em, yup, lots. Who? Um, people too important to tell you

a grouping of comic characters and artists from Drunk Duck put together.... IN A HIGHSCHOOL!!! Bet you didn't see THIS coming, huh?

Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.

Shekumiko sensei and Daniel are suddenly living in Kira's house These two now work in protecting her...but is Daniel doing more than protecting her? Is he in love?!(DUN!Dun..dun..) Check it if you wanna...

A black mage on a quest seeking revenge; A naive elf-girl adventurer wannabe who keeps getting into trouble; A sinister and evil power that threatens to destroy the world... Fantasy/Adventure manga.

Annie McCourt's life is turned upside down when the mysterious Eric Frost appears. Warning: full of ooey-gooey shoujo-style teenage romance. Contains vampires, angst, and angsty vampires. UPDATING AGAIN YAY

Night School: Kojo Academy It is midnight, do you know where your kids are? Well if you are a creature of the night, they should be in Night School!

The adventures of Pilli a normal girl and her ex-boyfriend who is now a calavera doll

Stevie has created adorable plushies of her friends called 'Plooshies'. Though they seem cute and harmless, they show their ugly sides when they become animated with pure evil and attempt hostile stuffing-filled, cottonball bullet-y world domination.

Claus is a teenager from a messed up family, his mom massacred her own family to prove loyalty to her assassin group called WAASP but she was too weak to kill her only son...

As the world falls deeper into darkness, only one girl can save everyone. Zorii always wanted an adventure, but she never expected anything like what is about to happen.

Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.

A group of magical girls rival a team of powerful rangers for the spot of Maybetokyo's best superheroes. Created by Jer Alford, Rick Butler, and Ryan Chamberlain.

Odin is the latest addition to the Shinigami ranks, and he has a flair for botching things up. Having accidentally brought a little girl back to life, he's now forced to spend the rest of his dead life as her bodyguard.

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

Because my site's ftp is being a jerk. So I am uploading my fan comics of Sonic the Hedgehog series. I hope it's not against the rules here or anything...


Kaede Higuchi's friends

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Kaede Higuchi

No videos.




Renamon at 11:44AM, Sept. 5, 2009

Monty Python is the king of all the RANDOMNESS And Now for Something Completely Different pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie

HANNIBAL 8 LECTE MD at 12:38PM, June 24, 2009

experiment Itachi EVIL Penguin RUN RUN!!!!!!!! Fosfosfosfos Fosfosfosfos

Gaara of the Sand at 7:15AM, April 17, 2009

ALL HAIL THE RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!! X3 *This message was brought to you by ADHD*

lucas at 6:46PM, Jan. 23, 2009

pero, si sabes quien soy, no?

Azaeziel at 2:52PM, June 24, 2008

I love your avatar! It makes me laugh. =3

poliwirl100 at 6:01AM, June 9, 2008


THKNN_NUL at 10:55AM, May 3, 2008

never change your avatar! it's kickass!

sasuke of the leaf at 6:54AM, April 27, 2008

i must admit,random things ROCK.COWAPPLES!!!!!

soulcelshade at 8:01PM, March 13, 2008


Black Daisy at 8:44AM, March 4, 2008

This is late, sorry. Kick ass, I'm a friend! Yo Kaede, That's the end. Enjoy!

MiniTails at 2:24PM, Jan. 25, 2008

Tanks for da add

Chaz McRich at 9:11PM, Nov. 27, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

F_Allen at 6:53AM, Nov. 14, 2007

cheers for the add, wicked stuff - frank [url=]Dream Music[/url] check it out if your got time

Almost Famous at 3:36PM, June 7, 2007

thank you Kaede!! I like your profile pic its awesome!!!

ingrid_nini at 5:46PM, June 5, 2007

hola sonsa, huhuhu :P first poopy comment

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